How It Works

We create online, interactive floor plans with embedded 360 degree panormaic photos that give your prospects and clients the information they need to understand and envision themselves in your space. We create all of this for you. Here's how it works, step by step:
quote and plan

Step 1

We provide a quote

We work with you to review your needs, any existing photos, plans and rough measurements that you can provide in order to prepare a quote for the floor plans.
site visit schedule

Step 2

We schedule a site visit

We schedule a time with you to visit your venue to map and photograph your space after receiving 50% of the quote from you.
Mearsuing a building space

Step 3

We measure and photograph

We visit your site to map, measure and photograph your venue space.
thumbnail floor plan

Step 4

We create your floor plans

Within approximately a week, depending on the size and complexity of your venue, we create your interactive floor plans with embedded panoramic photos.
hosting online

Step 5

You receive your floor plans online

We send you a link to your interactive floor plan that you can post on your website or share via email. Your remaining balance will be due at this time.